Zen and the Art of Perl 6

10 minute read

I’m a Python programmer in my day job, and though it’s less often heard than in the early days of Python, the “Zen of Python” is still an oft-cited mantra. It goes:

  • Beautiful is better than ugly.
  • Explicit is better than implicit.
  • Simple is better than complex.
  • Complex is better than complicated.
  • Flat is better than nested.
  • Sparse is better than dense.
  • Readability counts.
  • Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules.
  • Although practicality beats purity.
  • Errors should never pass silently.
  • Unless explicitly silenced.
  • In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
  • There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.
  • Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch.
  • Now is better than never.
  • Although never is often better than right now.
  • If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.
  • If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
  • Namespaces are one honking great idea – let’s do more of those!

I think that it’s worth noting that Perl 6 ends up being aligned with the Zen of Python on most points, and where it’s not, it’s clear that that’s a choice, not an artifact of failure to design. To that end, I want to go over each of these (or a couple at a time where they relate to each other) and see how much they can illuminate the philosophical similarities and differences of the two languages.

Beautiful is better than ugly

I find that Python programmers don’t actually want beauty; they want Spartan simplicity which can be beautiful in its own way, but so can many other sorts of code. I would re-phrase what most Python folks mean by this as, “Classical is better than Baroque.”

Perl 6 believes that beauty is a key advantage in good code, and seeks the most powerful array of tools to promote that beauty. How they are applied and whose conception of beauty is being employed is strictly a matter for the individual programmer or project (that is, the local culture) to determine.

Explicit is better than implicit

Perl 6 actually walked away from a great deal of Perl 5’s implicit behaviors. It still has many (as does Python) but only where they tend to be the most intuitive. Take this code for example:

.say for @items;

The loop variable is implicit, but the behavior is explicit. Loop over @items and do the say thing on them.

Simple is better than complex

Simplifying code is something that Perl 6 constantly seeks to do, but it does so by taking on that complexity, internally. For example, hyper-operators are extremely complex because they have all of the behaviors of all of the operators that use them. In this code:

[==] @a <<->> @b

we return True if all of the differences between same-indexed entries in @a and @b are the same (e.g. @a=1, 2, 3 and @b=5, 6, 7). This is code which anyone coming from other languages is going to have to puzzle out with docs-in-hand, trying to understand the complexities of <<...>> hyperoperation and [...] hyper-reduction. It’s not simple stuff for the language or its learning curve.

But once you know the language, the above is far, far simpler to read and maintain than:

for zip(@a, @b) -> ($a, $b) {
    state $diff;
    return False if $diff.defined and $a - $b != $diff;
    $diff = $a - $b;
return True;

This is because the symbolic density of hyper-operators also comes with a lack of ambiguity and quite a bit of clarity of purpose.

  • Complex is better than complicated.

I would argue that this is a guiding principle of Perl 6. The example in the previous section is complex in terms of what it’s doing, but it’s not complicated in the sense that it doesn’t require the user who knows the language to perform any kind of sleuthing to figure out what it means. The docs are clear and the code is too. It’s just complex code.

  • Flat is better than nested.

Here is one place where Perl 6 and Python diverge, and it’s clearly a choice.

There are two places that Perl 6 deals with heavily nested constructs:

It’s sometimes necessary and desirable to flatten code, but Perl 6 supports and encourages deeply nested constructs with .map, .grep, hyper-invocation (>>.) of methods, etc.

We even end up seeing blocks of code mid-statement:

my @key-info = @pairs>>.key.map(-> $name {

There are real differences in the philosophy of the two languages, here. Python wants to take the parental approach of preventing behavior that could result in maintainability problems while Perl does two things: it leaves the case-by-case situation up to the programmer and at the same time takes on the difficult challenge of trying to figure out what it is about that cumbersome code that’s difficult and solving the problem at the language level.

The second case is namespaces, and in that sense, Perl 6 is somewhat agnostic, but most programmers don’t seem to have any desire to create deeply nested namespaces (e.g. File::System::IO::Binary::ReadWrite::Read::Utilities), so it seems a rather academic point.

All that being said, I think that the driving idea here was a relatively new one circa Python’s introduction, and it’s one that both languages embrace: code should be broken up into comprehensible chunks where possible. A method on a class should read more like a sentence than a paragraph, and certainly not a chapter! That’s a good guiding principle in any language.

Sparse is better than dense

Perl 6 aims for symbolic density with its “Huffman coding the language” approach, but that actually aims to reduce the density of end-user code. In that respect, the two approaches are deeply aligned, but with very different takes on implementation.

Readability counts

I find Perl 6’s readability features to be tremendously beneficial, from regexes:

regex{ <alpha> <alnum>* }

to comments:

for get-keys #`(sorted list) -> $key { ... }

to the visual simplicity of passing variables as named arguments:

my $db-handle = get-db-handle;
my $object    = get-next-object;

add-to-database(:$db-handle, :$object);

Perl 6 arms its users with tools for readability, and then stands back and lets them decide how to apply them. In the wild, I find that code tends to be extremely readable as a result because users tend to like the idea of making their code accessible when doing so is made easy by the language.

Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules

This is another philosophical point that Perl 6 and Python can differ on, though it’s more nebulous than previously. For example, Perl 6 encourages domain specific languages (DSLs) and other features that modify the language itself to suit specific use-cases. “All’s fair if you pre-declare,” was a foundational principle of Perl 6.

It’s not yet all that clear how that will play out because we haven’t seen enough use of such advanced features in the wild, yet, but in other languages that support such features they have always been tremendously beneficial.

Although practicality beats purity

I would argue that here, we’re into the territory of rules that Perl 6 takes more closely to heart than most other languages. DSLs are, again, a great example of how that’s the case. Even regexes are a divergence from the purity of the language into a wholly separate sub-language that is non-the-less a first-class element of the specification. Why? Because it’s practical to be able to freely riff between the assertive style of regexes and the process-oriented style of “normal” code.

Errors should never pass silently

Unless explicitly silenced

Perl 6 supports fail. This is an important concept in Perl 6, and fundamental to many sorts of state-driven behavior (obviously regexes, but also lots of lazy operations). Core to fail is the idea that certain types of errors should not be execution-stoppers until/unless there is an attempt to use them. For example, the Math::Sequences::Integer module has many integer sequences that have a few sample values, but no generating function. These look like:

@sequence = 1, 2, 3, 4, {fail "not implemented"} ... *;

To the user of the library it looks like a valid sequence of integers. It can be copied around and its values stored, etc. But any attempt to check the contents of a value after the fourth one will result in an exception.

That being said, the core concept, here, is that code should deal with exceptional circumstances rather than ignoring them, and I doubt that there are many who would disagree.

In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess

This one has always confused me. It’s not clear what this is a call to… Cultural norms? Online forums? Reading the docs? I think this one could have been clearer if it was just “In the face of ambiguity, read the docs.” In general, the negative assertions in this list are less helpful than the positive ones.

There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it

Yeah, so I don’t think anyone is surprised that this is a split between the two… but what if I told you that it wasn’t?

Perl 6 seeks to provide many ways to do the same thing, but it’s almost always the case that there’s a right way and a wrong way to approach a problem for some set of contextual criteria. Python tries to posit a universal set of criteria, and that’s obviously false (just ask a numpy programmer and a “pure” Python programmer). Different tasks have different optimization criteria. Sometimes it’s performance, sometimes it’s code size, sometimes it’s long-term maintainability, sometimes it’s readability by programmers outside the language’s cultural niche, sometimes it’s lack of external dependencies. Usually it’s some weighted combination of all of the above.

For example, here are three ways of testing a string for being all upper-case in Perl 6:

/^ <upper>* $/

.uc eq $_

not .comb.grep({not .uniprop('Uppercase')})

The first, I think many would consider the most readable and maintainable. The second has more conceptual overhead than the others and accepts different inputs, but in current implementations happens to be the fastest. The third is the most generalizable to future needs if you expect to have to add in more criteria that aren’t easily matched in a regex.

So, ultimately, the burden falls to the programmer in any language to determine what their code, users and maintainers need. Does that mean that the language has no responsibility in resolving ambiguity? No! Indeed, Python’s fanatical focus on a lack of ambiguity has borne some valuable fruit, and while I would never subject Perl 6 programmers to such fanaticism, I might reap some of the benefit of Python programmers having suffered that pain for us…

For example, having a comprehensive cookbook of Perl 6 tasks with well surveyed trade-offs, best practices and considerations would certainly help users to write maintainable code.

Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch

Being Dutch is an advantage, agreed. :-)

Now is better than never

Although never is often better than right now

I would add an addendum to these two: lazy is often better than either!

If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea

This is just patently false. The implementation of an Adversarial NN is very hard to explain, but it’s certainly not a bad idea! I would re-phrase this:

If the implementation cannot be broken down into easily explained components, then it is a bad idea. Both Perl 6 and Python would generally tend to agree on this modified statement.

If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea

This isn’t really a positive or negative assertion, so we can all agree that it’s too hard to explain and thus a bad idea. :-)

Namespaces are one honking great idea – let’s do more of those!

Ah, the 90s! It was a simpler time! Programming languages have moved on. Perl 6 is carving out some of its own niches in the language capabilities landscape.

The Zen of Perl 6

So, to recap, here’s what I believe is the true Zen of Perl 6:

  • Beautiful is better than ugly.
  • Explicit is better than enigmatic.
  • Clarity is better than clever.
  • Modularity is better than fugue.
  • Readability counts.
  • All’s fair if you pre-declare.
  • But play fair with your pre-declarations.
  • Practicality beats purity.
  • Errors should be presented to those that need to deal with them.
  • If the right solution isn’t clear, lean on the community.
  • For any given context, the most optimal solution should be available.
  • Lazy can be better than immediate.
  • If components are too complex to explain then they’re too complex to be components.
  • Grammars are one honking great idea – let’s do more of those!
