The Perl Weekly Challenge 012 Entries

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The Entries

In this week’s Perl Weekly Challenge I submitted solutions for:

You can see all of the entries here: Perl Weekly Challenge Club.


The Euclid challenge is interessting to me mostly because of my work on the Math::Sequences module for Perl 6. This module takes the core On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences® (OEIS®) enttries and makes them available as Perl6 arrays, so that you can do things like:

use Math::Sequences::Integer;

for @A010051 -> $prime {
  say "$prime is a prime number!"

The full list of core sequences are listed here: Core Sequences of the OEIS.

So, to demonstrate how one might add to this list a new entry, I defined both the primes (already in the module) and the Euclid numbers (oddly, not an OEIS core entry) in this way. Here’s just that part:

#= OEIS sequence A010051: the primes
sub primes() { (2,3,*+2...*).grep: *.is-prime }
# Math::Sequences entry for the primes:
our @A010051 = lazy primes;

#= OEIS sequence A057588: the Euclid numbers
sub euclids() {
    gather for primes() -> $p {
        take ((state $t=1) *= $p) + 1;
# Math::Sequences entry for the Euclids:
our @A057588 = lazy euclids;


Things to note, here:

  • In both cases, the function returns an iterator that will go on forever. The use of the lazy keyword prevents the array assignment from stalling and only populates the array as needed.
  • I take advantage of the fact that Perl6 has built-in handling for prime testing by filtering the odd numbers (and 2) by the method .is-prime.
  • The use of state is perhaps a bit unclear to someone not familar with Perl6, but once you get this it will be so important that I’m going to dedicate a section below to it.
  • There is an extremely common paradigm, here: gather for some-source -> $var { take $var.something } This is what an iterator looks like in Perl6. The under-the-hood secret, here, is that the block of the for loop is really just an anonymous subroutine. You can even write the -> $param { ... } part without a for loop.


The state keyword is like my or our in that it introduces a new variable, but the variable it declares is only initialized the first time it is encountered. Thereafter, it behaves similar to a global declared with our, but cannot be seen outside of the current scope.

In other words, this is a lexically scoped variable whose state doesn’t change when it goes out of scope.

In the challenge, it’s used to keep track of the running product of all primes. So let’s unpeel that…

state $t=1

This is no different from any other variable declaration except that the assignment is only performed once.

((state $t=1) *= $p)

Each time this is executed, the state variable $t will be multiplied by the next prime number $p. Thus, this keeps a running product of all previously seen primes in $t.

take ((state $t=1) *= $p) + 1;

Having created our running product, we add the current product plus one to the iterator. The addition of one doesn’t affect the state variable which is only modified by the *= operation here, so we keep a pure product of the primes and only add one to each value as it gets sent to the consumer of this iterator.


For all of that work, all we do is output the result:

say euclids.grep(not *.is-prime).first;

In other words, print the first value from euclids that is not prime.

The Common Paths Challenge

The next challenge was more interesting algorithmically, but the problem is that Perl6 trivializes it by providing some really advanced tools. Fortunately, this gives us a chance to show off those tools!

defining an operator

sub infix:<common-prefix>(@a, @b) {
    gather for @a Z @b -> ($a, $b) {
        ($a ~~ $b and take $a but True) or last;

This is a simple iterator over the zipped values of the two arrays, but there are two things of note:

  • take $a but True gives a reuslt that is True in a Bool context. This is important because if the input is /foo/bar then we’re going to split it into '', 'foo', 'bar' and that first empty string will cause our loop to end! With but True we only end the loop when the two input path elements do not match (thus failing the first half of the expression).
  • The subroutine itself is a user-defined operator called common-prefix. This operator is an infix which means it operates on two values on either side, much like the + or * operators.

using our operator in a reduction

sub common-leading-paths(@paths, :$separator='/') {
     return join $separator, [common-prefix] *.split($separator);

In this sub, which implements the core requirement of the challeng, the common-prefix operator is surrounded by [...] which turns it into a reduction operator. The simplest example of a reduction operator is [+] which gives the sum of its argument’s contents. But there’s nothing special about [+] and any infix operator, even user defined ones, can go inside those brackets.

final result

So if our inputs are 'a/b/c', 'a/b/d' and 'a/b/q' then we first reduce (after splitting) <a b c> and <a b d>. Here’s how those steps go:

  • 'a' ~~ 'a' matches so we get 'a' as the first element.
  • 'b' ~~ 'b' matches so we get 'b' as the second element.
  • 'c' ~~ 'd' does not match, so we abort the loop inside our operator

Next, we’ll reduce that resulting list <a b> against the next split-up input, <a b q>:

  • 'a' ~~ 'a' matches so we get 'a' as the first element.
  • 'b' ~~ 'b' matches so we get 'b' as the second element.
  • Because Z ends as soon as an input is exhaused and our intermediate result, <a b> was only two elements, we don’t get to the 'q'

Thus, the final result is <a b> which then gets re-joined with the separator, giving, a/b
